目前分類:她在歷史的背後- 展覽 (8)

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Los Angeles Public Library is pleased to present a rare look at Chinese-American women's history, told through legal cases fought in the supreme courts of the U.S. and its states. Using the personal collection of Dr. Chang C. Chen, Herstory features rare photographs and case descriptions of efforts by Chinese-American women to gain legal standing in the U.S.

Starting in 1852, the cases document women who fought for equal treatment in the eyes of the law and for citizenship and immigration rights. One 1874 case from San Francisco describes a group of recent immigrants who were defined as "lewd and immoral" due to their style of dress, and were set to be deported. The women fought back and the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in their favor, stating that the California laws were in conflict with federal immigration laws and the women were released. In Tape v. Hurley, 66 Cal. 473 (1885), a landmark case in the California Supreme Court in which the Court found the exclusion of a Chinese American student from public school based on her ancestry unlawful. The Court ruled that Chinese-American children had a right to public education and to attend public schools.


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he Hawaii State Library is pleased to offer this focused look at Chinese American women’s history, told through the legal cases fought in the Supreme Court of the U.S. and its states.  Featuring rare photographs, personal stories, and a timeline of case descriptions, Herstory documents the efforts of Chinese American women who fought for equal treatment in the eyes of the law and for citizenship and immigration rights.

This exhibition is provided to the Library by Chang C. Chen, PhD, JD, who is dedicated to the documentation of the legal history of Chinese Americans.


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原创 2017-02-01 邓焰译 超讯SuperMedia

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2016/4/1於舊金山市立圖書館舉辦開幕活動,當天包括舊金山圖書總館館長、亞洲博物館館長、舊金山觀察家報的首位華人女出版家、北美商會前會長、金美倫堂的主席、日本Korematsu Institute 負責人、Tape v Hurley, U.S. v. Wong kim Ark 等歷史性案例當事人的後代出席活動,此展備具意義,感謝各界人士的支持,讓活動圓滿成功!



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HERSTORY Photo Exhibit at Chinatown Branch
September 1, 2016


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Herstory 展覽--開幕式及聚會


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